Every year you, as Barts and The London students, elect the members of the BLSA Board to represent and act on your behalf. The Board discusses and acts on the issues affecting our students.

BLSA Board (London) 



The Student President's Council (SPC) meet regularly and is responsible for the overall running of the BLSA, ensuring that it meets the needs of the students at Barts and The London across all subjects.

It is led by the BLSA President, and also has Vice President Barts and Vice President London, the Welfare Officers and the Dental President. The two Malta Co-Presidents (Education & Activities) also sit on SPC.


The Education Zone is the section of the BLSA that is responsible for the support of the students’ studies while they are here at Barts and The London.

They will liaise with the university staff to help support your exams and answer questions, as well as signposting you to academic support offered by both the Students’ Union, as well as the University.

The Education Zone is led by the BLSA President, who is then assisted by:

  • IHSE Junior & Senior Reps (to support those studying Medicine, a PA degree or an intercalated degree at The Institute of Health Sciences Education)

  • Institute of Dentistry Rep (to support those studying Dentistry, Oral Health BSc and any other degrees at the Institute of Dentistry)

  • William Harvey Institute Rep

  • Wolfson Institute of Population Health Rep

  • Barts Cancer Institute Rep

  • Blizard Institute Rep

Find out more about the Education Zone by clicking the button below:


The Activities Zone is responsible for all the activities we have on offer here at the BLSA.

From sports helping you unwind, to giving back to the community by volunteering (or helping with RAG), as well as getting involved with our Student Media Outlets, or even joining a society to find a new hobby or interest - these guys will be leading.

The Activities Zone is overseen by VP London, and contains…

  • Societies Officer

  • Sports Officer

  • RAG Officer

  • Volunteering Officer

Over in Malta, the Co-President (Activities) leads

  • Malta Societies Officer and Malta Sports Officer

Find out more about the Activities Zone by clicking the button below:

Operations Zone:

The Operations Zone the backbone of the BLSA, and the reason it’s able to run at all - they take care of everything from finding money for our clubs and societies, to organising our monthly BLSA meetings and running our lovely event schedule through the year.

VP Barts leads the zone, and the Treasurer and Secretary support the boards day-to-day running.

The Entertainments Officers (ENTs) run our events across our campuses in London, while the Malta ENTs run the show in Gozo.

The Alumni Officer is our link to BATLAA and our diverse alumni network and the Engagement Officer is in charge of our social media presence and website (with a similar role over in Malta with the Malta Engagement Officer), and over in Gozo the Malta Secretary ensures that the board there is able to do their job in supporting students.


The Welfare Zone is the section of the BLSA that is responsible for the wellbeing and support of the students here at BL.

They can signpost you to support offered by both the Students’ Union, as well as the University, and lead liberation campaigns across the year to raise awareness and support groups here at Barts.

The Welfare Zone if led by the Welfare Officer, who is then assisted by:

  • Womens' Reps

  • LGBTQ+ Reps

  • BAME Rep

  • International Reps

  • Disabled and SpLD Rep

  • the cross-campus Trans Rep between BL and QM

  • Malta’s Welfare Officers (liaise with staff on Gozo as well as in London to support students on the island)

Find out more about the Welfare Zone by clicking the button below:


The BLSA Malta team take care of all our students studying at Gozo, and work as a smaller team within the BLSA, supported by their amazing staff on the island as well as the main BLSA and QMSU in London.

It’s led by two Co-Presidents, Co-President (Activities) and Co-President (Education), with a Welfare Officer, Sports Officer and Societies Officer helping support students. It also has a Secretary, two ENTs and and Engagement Officer to operationally help, and ensure the student experience in Malta amazing.

Non-blsa board members

These Part-Time Officers help support your student experience, but are not directly on BLSA Board.