What is the Education Zone?
The Education Zone is the section of the BLSA that is responsible for the support of the students’ studies while they are here at Barts and The London.
They will liaise with the university staff to help support your exams and answer questions, as well as signposting you to academic support offered by both the Students’ Union, as well as the University.
The Education Zone is led by our BLSA President (Rahma Hegy), and consists of a group of representatives.
Rahma Hegy
BLSA President
email: president@bartslondon.com
As well as leading the BLSA Board, Rahma will also oversee the Education Zone.
Harsh Doshi
Junior IHSE Representative
email: juniorihse@bartslondon.com
The Junior IHSE Representative is here to support:
Year 1 + 2 MBBS (Undergraduate Medicine)
Year 1 GEP (Graduate Entry Medicine)
Role: To gather feedback from and represent students within the Institute of Health Sciences Education (IHSE) to improve the overall academic experience.
Shirin Sadat Massroor &
Billal Swaleh
Senior IHSE Representatives
email: seniorihse@bartslondon.com
The Senior IHSE Representatives is here to support:
Year 3, 4 + 5 MBBS (Undergraduate Medicine)
Year 2, 3 + 4 GEP (Graduate Entry Medicine)
Some Intercalators
Post Graduates within the IHSE
Role: To gather feedback from and represent students within the Institute of Health Sciences Education (IHSE) to improve the overall academic experience.
Munira Musa
Wolfson Institute Representative
Role: To gather feedback from and represent students who are studying within the Wolfson Institute of Population Health to improve the overall academic experience.
The following roles are unfilled positions within the education zone.
Dental Institute rep
Barts Cancer Institute Rep
William Harvey Institute Rep
Blizard Institute Rep
Every course at Barts and The London has elected course reps, whose role it is to liaise with the University to ensure that the course is of the highest quality for all students. More information regarding course reps will be out soon!
Each course at Barts and The London has a Student Staff Liaison Committee where the elected school reps and course reps bring forward the issues and suggestions to the staff.
You can find the minutes to these meetings by clicking the button below.